This morning I didn't get any blogging done. I didn't get a lot of things done. I mowed the backyard instead, and given the oddly shaped hilly nature of my yard and my ever-expanding awkward belly, this was an exhausting feat. Yes, I'm proud, but I also found that almost immediately my mind cut off my feelings of triumph to bombard me with all the things on my list that haven't been done.
My plan was to get some great research done and put together something fabulous to post today, since I've been somewhat distracted recently. It didn't happen, and just as I started to feel the shame that inevitably comes on the rare occasions when I'm not perfect, it occurred to me that an important part of wellness is learning to just be okay with our limitations. No, my plans aren't all working out just as I'd like them to, but every time my mind takes me to that awful place where I can never win, I have a little something I like to say. "Small victories." Then I let myself revel in what I HAVE done, however small and seemingly insignificant. I conquered that ridiculous backyard. I fed my little urchins a special and nutritious breakfast. I made sure all the bills would get paid this month. I even made some progress with making my house a little less embarrassing, in case the dreaded unexpected visitor arrives. So forget that the list never actually gets finished. Celebrate the feelings of accomplishment that naturally come every time you get to check something off. Small victories may be all we ever get, so enjoy every second!
I forgot to mention how much I enjoyed your last blog, it reminded me a bit of some of the things we discussed on that one day when you got to come visit. I loved this post too. When I get upset about what I haven't accomplished I call them "I'm not perfect yet pity parties". It helps to realize that I'm expecting something of myself that really just isn't possible for me just now -- perfection. Hooray for the things we can get done. The "I got this done list" sometimes seems short -- but that's because the list doesn't show how hard it was to accomplish those things!