I'll admit right up front that I have never been a papaya fan, so if you find yourself in this category don't give up on me yet. Papaya is high in vitamins A and C, folate, potassium, and fiber, but I wouldn't eat anything I didn't like, regardless of its nutritional benefits. The trick is to make nutritious things desirable, not choke them down. My island living stint has given me a bit more reason than usual to try more exotic fruits. My family and I tried papaya months ago, and we thought that was going to be chalked up to an island experience not worth repeating. When I inadvertently ended up with more of the strange fruit later on I decided to find a way to make it delicious, and you know what? I managed to really make it happen! As much as I'd like to tell you what a genius I am, It's hard to go wrong with a smoothie. Anything in this recipe can be substituted, though I love this particular combo. The coconut water (which I think is disgusting on its own, but a yummy nutritional boost in the mix) can be skim milk or even water. The pear can become a peeled and cored apple. Add mango, or even replace the papaya with it. The amounts aren't exact either. They're just a guide. It's all about handfuls and eyeballing and playing with texture. This recipe makes an entire blender full, so prepare to share the deliciousness!
1 ripe papaya
1 banana
1 pear with skin
1 clementine mandarin (or small orange)
1/2-1 cup fresh pineapple
1/2-1 cup coconut water
6-12 ice cubes
Combine peeled, cored, and rough chopped fruits in blender. Add enough coconut water for the mixture to blend well. On high, add the desired amount of ice. When the ice is well incorporated, pour and enjoy for breakfast, snack, or to satisfy a sweet tooth. Aloha!